A Salute to all the Volunteers - A Poem by Denis Turner

Once a week a bloke arrives
To bring us all some cheer
His name is Dennis a Salvation Army Guy
Who makes it his career to help others that are not the very best
To do this he brings games that everyone plays with fun and zest
He brings a mate called Rod who stands the skittles as we knock them down
He joins the fun, but it’s at golf he really goes to town
I’ve seen him stand on the tee and calmly putt three tens out of three
While we scratch the odd five 30 thirty quite good, I think you’ll agree
Odd Wednesdays we play pool, Rod’s quite good at that
But it’s here Dennis shines and leaves most of us quite flat
There are plenty more to make up the pack
Alberto two Dave’s, Steve, Ken, George and Jack
There are others but I don’t remember
I’ve a problem that’s hard to fix
I’ve suffered with age dementia since the early age of six
What we are does not matter or how good we are at play
As long as we join the fun and appreciate the time given to us every day.