Acknowledging Remembrance Day

Across many of our aged care centres, residents have their own connection to Remembrance Day 2023, a day to acknowledge those who have been impacted by war and armed conflict.
Gill Waminda Aged Care Centre’s (“Gill Waminda”) resident Ron’s connection to the day spans back generations. Ron’s father, Thomas, served in the British Army in India and later served the British Army in World War I. Ron himself later joined the Australian Air force during World War II, and whilst he was not able to serve as a pilot due to colour blindness, he did serve as a wireless operator. He served his country in both in Australia and New Guinea.
Ron states that he felt, “a sense of duty to serve, as everybody else did it.” Ron reflects that he is proud of the service he gave and for democracy that was upheld as a result. Gill Waminda will be acknowledging Remembrance Day 2023 with the ‘Last Post’ and a minute’s silence. Ron is looking forward to attending Remembrance Day activities if he is able.
For Seaforth Gardens Aged Care Centre (“Seaforth Gardens”) resident, Margaret, she herself was a Salvation Army Officer for over 30 years, with eight of those years spent in South Korea and five years spent in Zambia. Margaret’s family connection to Remembrance Day and its importance links to both of her brothers serving in the Airforce, as well as Margaret leading many Remembrance Day services at her local RSL in years prior.
Margaret tells that of the importance of this day, noting, “I’ve always believed in memory days for special occasions.” When considering Remembrance Day, Margaret heeds the important message to the next generation:; “to remember those who have given their lives for young people.”
Another Seaforth Gardens Resident, Alexander, more commonly known as “Sandy,” has been at the Centre since July. He too has a long-standing connection to Remembrance Day. Sandy tells, “my father was a Sargeant Major and both my sons go to Remembrance Day events in Australia.” Sandy also goes on to note that his mother also served in the navy.
When reflecting on the significance of this day, Sandy notes it means a lot to him. “It means a lot to me mainly because people went away, and it meant that their lives were lost,” he says. Much like Margaret, he also imparts an inspiring message to future generations: “I would suggest that they go and remember those who have given them such a good life.”