Aged Care Plus Gives Hope Through the Red Shield Appeal

June 6, 2017
Aged Care Plus Gives Hope Through the Red Shield Appeal
Hope through red shield appeal

Residents and staff from Weeroona Aged Care Plus Centre raised over $500 in support of The Bankstown Corp's 2017 Red Shield Appeal.

With support from local schools, including Georges River Grammar students, Major Yan de Tommaso said it was a real local community effort.

"Kay Johnston, a residents at our Centre, celebrated her 70th birthday during the Appeal weekend and asked her guests to donate money instead of providing a gift," said Major Yan.

During a typical week, money raised from the Red Shield Appeal helps to provide:

  • 100,000 meals for the hungry
  • 2,000 beds for the homeless
  • 5,000-8,000 food vouchers
  • refuge to 500 victims of abuse
  • 3,000 elderly people with aged care services and so much more.

If you would like to donate to the Red Shield Appeal, visit at Aged Care Plus