Alan's Joyful Family Reunion through Home and Community Care

Alan Carville has been a customer of our Home and Community Care program in Hobart for over 18 months, receiving care twice a day to support him to continue living life independently. At the age of 56, Alan's been diagnosed with early onset dementia.
Due to Alan's condition, four years had passed since he'd seen his daughters who live in Perth. When we first met Alan, one of his biggest goals was to reconnect with his daughters, one of whom had recently given birth to a son, making Alan a grandfather for the fourth time.
Over the Christmas holidays Alan received the support he needed to visit his daughters in Perth and meet his youngest grandson for the first time. Trudy, a carer from our program, flew with Alan to Perth and met with his family, who were eager and excited to take Alan into their care. While in Perth, Alan's family took him on many sightseeing outings which he absolutely loved. A highlight of his trip was giving his children and grandchild Christmas presents, which he said was the first time he'd been able to do that in many years.
At the end of his trip, Trudy met up with Alan and his family once again, and accompanied him on his journey home to Hobart. Thanks to Alan's Home Care Package, he was able to pay for the care he received for his trip to Perth and back.
When he returned, I asked Alan what he enjoyed most about his trip - his answer was 'love'. Alan felt reconnected with his daughters and grandchildren, and established the basis for a closer relationship in the future.
Alan's daughters both contacted us to thank our staff and program for facilitating and supporting Alan's trip to Perth. His carer, Trudy, felt privileged and proud to assist Alan on his journey. They now have a story that they share together, as well as a closer relationship that is appreciated by them both.
- Submitted by Toni Anderson, Home and Community Care