ANZAC Day Commemorations at The Salvation Army Aged Care

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them." - Laurence Binyon.
Lest we forget.
On ANZAC day, we recognise and pay our deepest respects to all fellow Australians and New Zealanders who paid the ultimate price through their selfless acts of service.
Burrangiri Aged Care Centre
"On 26 of April, we held a beautiful and moving Anzac ceremony in our Day Centre.
We were fortunate to have special Salvation Army guests Kenny and Joanne Delamore who both made this service a moving experience. We thank you for sharing this memory with us.
Day Centre staff assisted clients and residents who wished to stand during the last post. Tears were shed and hands held as we supported each other through what is a very emotional time.
Amongst our wonderful Day Centre clients were many veterans, widows and nurses. Ed Bell 87 years old, one of our amazing veterans who proudly wore his medals and shared stories of his experiences during time Served in Vietnam and the Far East Strategic Reserve. Ed sat with other veterans and supported them during the service.
"Anzac Day is very important to us, and I enjoy that Burrangiri always put on a wonderful ceremony, where I am proud of my husband's time served. I reflect on his time as a POW and the impact it had on his life," said Day Centre client Mrs J.
Thank you to all the members of the armed services past and present, to all the supporting families involved and affected during all wars. Lest we forget." - Ashley Carrington, Day Coordinator, Burrangiri Aged Care Respite Centre.
Bethany Aged Care Centre
"Flo, a resident at Bethany Aged Care Centre, celebrated her 60th wedding anniversary with her husband John, a National Serviceman, on ANZAC Day this year. Flo decided to have their wedding on this day so that John would never forget it!
Colin Willard, another resident and veteran at Bethany Aged Care Centre, commemorated ANZAC Day with his wife, Audrey. Colin was born 25th March 1925 in Condoblin, NSW. As soon as he turned 18, he signed up and enlisted at Trangie into the Army. He served in landing tanks (DUKW's) for four years in various areas in the Pacific. Colin's father was also a veteran (WWI)." - Major Sue McGuigan, Chaplain, Bethany Aged Care Centre.
Weeroona Aged Care Centre
"ANZAC Day Service at Weeroona Village was well attended by residents and their families including a pet dog. An image of the cenotaph from Martin Place and fields of poppies set the backdrop for the sacred service.
On the day, I spoke about the significance of the bugle calls throughout our personal life with a special reflection on the wake-up call of the Reveille. Major Yan DeTommaso prayed The Lord's Prayer in song with a beautiful rendition." - Major Tony DeTommaso, Chaplain, Weeroona Aged Care Centre.