Burrangiri Aged Care Respite Centre: A Day in the Life of Our Clients

Burrangiri Aged Care Respite Centre (“Burrangiri”) is an ACT Health site operated by The Salvation Army Aged Care. The Centre provides specialised respite care (short-term) for older Australians, in turn providing a break for both the carer and the older person being cared for. Ken has been a client at Burrangiri since 2019 and decided to go to the Respite Centre after trying other centres, but finding them, “too big.”
When asked what he most enjoys about his time at Burrangiri, Ken notes, “I enjoy having different things to do. I play the drums and Matthew, a singer comes in and then various groups come in, so whenever they come in, I bring the drums in and play them.” Ken also sings his praises of the Centre for its activities and food. He says: “There’s always something to do and the food’s good!”
Whilst Ken has a carer who visits his home, he recommends Burrangiri as an additional place of respite. “My advice would be if people enjoy company, talking to people and want a smaller environment, and once you know all the staff, you’re in business, I reckon.”
Likewise, Burrangiri Respite client Erma also speaks highly of her time at the Centre. “I have been in respite in Burrangiri several times this year and cannot fault the care I have been given by the nursing and the domestic staff,” she says. Erma has also required special dietary requests which have also been met and exceeded. “My diet requirement had been catered for. I enjoy going for Chapel service activities.”
When speaking to Burrangiri’s Day Centre Coordinator, she notes that there is always plenty to keep clients entertained, with the program of activities aimed at providing something for everyone. “The morning activities are focused on what we refer to as “brain gym”, stimulating the mind, and the afternoon is more focused on health and wellbeing,” tells Courtenay. “We enjoy activities such as bingo and balloon volleyball” as well as armchair soccer, which has, she notes, a ‘Burrangiri-twist’ on it.
“We’ve added a degree of difficulty to it,” she explains. “Now we put the pins out so that clients can kick the pins over, so we’ve established the Burrangiri Day Centre armchair Soccer Carpet bowls, so it’s a lot more accessible and everyone cheers.”
Beyond this, the Centre is also launching their ‘pen pals’ program with a local primary school. Courtenay affirms the benefit of the Centre for social interaction and respite, affirming “it’s literally a supported environment so that older Canberrans can socialise and connect with others and have an enhanced quality of life.”
For more information on Burrangiri Aged Care Respite Centre, please see the following link: https://agedcare.salvos.org.au/burrangiri-aged-care-respite-centre/