Linsell Lodge Ladies' Group Op-shopping Outings a Hit

The ladies of Linsell Lodge Aged Care Centre (“Linsell Lodge”) have been enjoying their busy calendars and big days out, courtesy of their Lifestyle Coordinator, Lee, and Lifestyle Assistant, Sharyn. But perhaps the most exciting outings have been to the good old-fashioned op-shops and the gems they have scored on their days out.
For Linsell Lodge resident Pat, she is always stunned by the vast array of items available in an op-shop, “books, China, glassware. One shop – they’ve got everything! From being a library, to having jewellery – you name it, it’s there!” Pat has found some gems not only for herself, but also for some of her lucky friends. “I did find a new pair of shoes – size 7, a bit loose, so my friend got them,” she chuckles. Resident Lyla has also noted that she, “has bought a couple of jumpers,” – just in time for the wintery weather.
Pat has been a resident of Linsell Lodge for three years and says, “it’s a good place to be,” attributing the positive experience to the people she knows at the Centre. “I love it here and I’ve got good friends and carers.” Pat loves the outings, stating that when it comes to, “going out with friends and doing things together,” she finds it, “very, very nice.”
When it comes to planning the Lifestyle calendar, Lee explains that it is, “pretty much driven by what the residents suggest,” before stating, “we take a lot of input from what the ladies tell us, so we have the Ladies’ Group once a month, so one month we will do something in-home and they will plan what they want to do for future days and outings.”
For resident, Maureen, who joined the Centre last year, she has nothing but praise for the Centre, “the carers, the staff – they’re all absolutely wonderful,” she says. Maureen also enjoys the days out, saying: “I like going out and having a good time. I love going out with the girls.” Resident Lyla, who has been at the Centre for about four years, notes she is grateful for the friendships formed too. “I find it quite good here,” she says.

“I love going through second-hand shops,” Maureen exclaims. She is often astounded by how many items are in tip-top condition and in some cases, even brand new. “I bought a double doona cover and it’s $7, brand new with the ticket on it!” she says. “A lot of things still have got tickets on that are brand new and they are literally giving it away – it’s so cheap!”
For Maureen, there is also a rewarding feeling of giving back – and being rewarded for this generosity too, she tells. “The best part is, if you make a donation, you get a discount on what you buy and if you show them your pension card, you still get a discount.”