Welcoming Major Beverly McMurray to The Salvation Army Aged Care

I was raised in a Christian family, and we worshipped at The Salvation Army. My parents, their parents and their parents were Salvationists. I have found the greatest gift over my life has been growing up knowing that I was loved by God and that He had a purpose and a plan for my life.
I was born in Toowoomba, and spent most of my years growing up in Brisbane. I married David in 1977 and with two of our children, we moved to Melbourne in 1986 for David's work.
It was there that we obeyed a call from God to enter ministry training college. We, along with now three children, trained in 1991 - the Followers of Jesus Session.
Most of our Officership has been pastoring churches, with three years at the Greater West Division, as it was then, in Mission for Corps, followed by three years as Chaplain for Employment Plus for Victoria.
It is a delight to find myself now as the Chaplain at Mountain View Aged Care Centre. I have always loved people. God has wired me up that way. I believe every person should be valued, and treated with dignity and integrity.
My heart is particularly in the aged care sector, and my heartfelt desire is that Jesus will use me to love our residents. Through my connection with them, it is my hope that they will know more of His love for them, and how much they are valued by Him.
What a privilege.
- Bev