VOTE NOW: The Hugging Forest

To support emotional well-being of the elderly in our aged care homes, The Salvation Army Aged Care has partnered with digital specialists S1T2 and interactive design students from UNSW to create 'The Hugging Forest' - an interactive experience that allows aged care residents and the general public to connect by sending virtual hugs to one another.
How it works
The hugging tree (an interactive physical sculpture) will be placed in a public place and connected with similar trees in aged care homes. Every time either party hugs these trees, the connected trees will light up, hence connecting residents from aged care homes with the public and letting them know that someone cares.
Between 15 July and 15 August, a public vote will take place to determine whether The Hugging Forest will be funded.
By voting, you can help to make this project a reality.
How to Vote
1. You will need:
- To live in Newtown electorate - Redfern, Surry Hills, Eveleigh, Enmore, Petersham, Stanmore, Camperdown & Darlington
- Your Medicare card; and
- Have your Service NSW account login details handy (or you can easily create one as you vote)
2. Visit and select 'Newtown'
3. Select 'The Hugging Forest' from the list of projects and select 'View project'.
4. Once inside 'The Hugging Forest', select 'Shortlist me'.
5. Follow the prompts to login to Service NSW using your email and password.
6. Shortlist 2 other projects and then select 'View your shortlist to vote' in the top right hand side of the screen.
7. Make sure 'The Hugging Forest' is listed as preference number 1 and then select 'Vote now' to submit your vote.