World Animal Day - Animal Therapy in our Centres

Each year on 4 October, ‘World Animal Day’ is celebrated to show love and appreciation for our furry friends. Within many of The Salvation Army Aged Care Centres nation-wide, animals make up an integral part of the Aged Care Centre experience with some Centre’s offering animal therapy.
At Riverview Gardens Aged Care Centre (“Riverview Gardens”) Lifestyle Coordinator, Kerry Petley, says the therapy dogs are a major hit. “The residents love to see the therapy dogs,” and “the animals give love and comfort and reassurance... a visit from our therapy dogs certainly brightens their day."
Indeed, as the Aged Care Guide outlines, there are a vast array of animal therapy and visitation benefits including improving resident’s emotions and attitudes and, for residents requiring memory support, studies have found that animal therapy can improve verbal communication and greater attentiveness*.
Many Riverview Gardens residents also enjoy the nostalgia brought about by the pets, with resident, Audrey explaining that she, had a dog for 17 years named “Tuppy.” Resident Dulcie shared the same sentiment, remarking, “I like all animals. I’ve had a dog and she was the most beautiful gift I could ever have.” Resident Edit also had a dog “for many years,” before she moved to the Centre and agrees, “I love to see puppies all the time. I enjoy their company and I like to cuddle them.”
The Centre’s therapy animals spark great joy for many residents, with Audrey affirming, “the dogs and cats make me happy.” Resident Debra also noted, “the enjoyment of cuddling them gives me great pleasure,” and resident Paisley saying, “I enjoy a visit from pet therapy… I like dogs and I like to pat them… they make me smile.”
The Cairns Aged Care Centre (“The Cairns”) is also no stranger to animal visits with the Director of Mission, Terri Goodwin and her husband, Chaplain, Jeff Goodwin bringing in their pet parrot, Patrick, to brighten resident’s days. Their bird is brought in often and, “he talks to the residents” saying ’hello’ and is very polite to them,” Jeff explains.
Recently, The Cairns recognised all things agriculture with their Royal Queensland Show (“Ekka”) Day on site. The outdoor oval was decorated with balloons and streamers and of course, “Old Mac Donald’s Petting Zoo was the main attraction with baby farm animals on show.” Michael Flick, the Centre’s Lifestyle Coordinator, also says the Centre Manager, Aileen, even had a “baby lamb... to show all the residents who could not attend.”
Bethany Aged Care Centre in Port Macquarie has three therapy dogs, Merlin, Lola and Star who visit weekly with their volunteers. The Centre’s Chaplain, Sue McGuigan, also notes there is sometimes a visit from a miniature pony. Due to the Centre’s unique setup, the Centre Manager is currently seeking a full-sized therapy horse to visit – a visitor no doubt bound to bring a lot of delight, especially with many residents having grown up on a farm.
Sue notes the residents enjoy the animal visits and it is a great opportunity for residents to “touch and care and [share] their stories of animals they have had.” She also notes it is a great activity for quieter residents. “The room visits really light up their day. This sense of wellbeing lasts longer than the actual visit, gives talking points for family and staff and forms part of the wholistic care of each person.”